OUR MUSE — Gabrielle Mirkin | Founder of ACTIVIST®

What does your morning routine look like?

My mornings are far from harmonious with two little ones. I wish I could say my mornings were filled with green juice and meditation like they used to be! We wake up early with the sun and have cuddles in my bed with Cisco River (7yrs) and Tallulah Blue (4yrs). I try to sneak downstairs early before the children wake to make my husband and I oat milk flat whites with Canyon Coffee (or a green juice on the weekends). Breakfast is usually granola or grain-free pancakes with lots of ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey. I make school lunches for them and both our kiddies go off to their schools for the day. My mornings are busy making sure our kids are well nourished and set for the day ahead with their friends and teachers. Then it’s time to head to the studio for work calls with my team, emails, ACTIVIST educational trainings, product development, and all that fun stuff.


What is your approach to self-care?

Self-care to me, now as a busy working mother of two, looks very different to pre-children. Self-care now is about keeping my mental and spiritual self, happy, healthy and with reduced stress (which is easier said than done). I love to walk in the mountains by my home. A swim in the salty ocean is my greatest healing tool and one which always brings me back to myself. I love yoga and ayurveda and cooking wholesome meals for my friends and family. I’ve had a lot of quite heavy experiences the past few years, so feeling grounded, safe and at peace are things I work on daily.


What’s your healthiest habit?

I used to be quite a health nut before I had children and when I was healing myself from some intense health issues in my early thirties. I like to think I’m much more relaxed now. I do make sure every day that I make a big green smoothie for breakfast, a delicious nourishing salad for lunch, drink lots of water to stay hydrated, do some form of movement daily and take a big spoonful of 850+MGO Mānuka Honey to keep my immune and digestive systems healthy!


What’s your biggest indulgence?

Probably travel. I am a gypsy at heart and have a nomadic spirit which I get from my mum. I love experiencing new places, people and cultures. We are taking the kids to Europe this summer on an adventure. To me, life is all about making memories with your loved ones.


How do you wind down before bed?

I love to take an evening hike at Tuna Canyon Park near my home in Topanga Canyon. I watch the sun go down over the Pacific and the marine layer fog roll in at this time of year. It’s very peaceful. I always make a cup of tea with my husband in the evenings after the children go down to sleep; my current favorite is Leaves and Flowers Ikebana and I add a big teaspoon of ACTIVIST 300+MGO Mānuka Honey. I also love to take a bath while applying our Mānuka Honey Mask, which is an evening ritual, followed by our Green Botanical Serum.


What’s your go-to LOVEBYT flavour?

I adore the charcoal and mint flavored toothpaste and my kids love the cinnamon and clove flavor. It’s made our nightly brushing and flossing routine that much sweeter!


Do you have an oral beauty hack?

ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey!

For someone looking to keep their teeth and gums healthy, Mānuka is the quintessential antidote. Because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it can kill plaque and improve and prevent issues relating to tooth decay and gingivitis. It is great when used as a mouthwash or oil pull to remove toxins, especially for someone suffering from periodontal disease. It can easily be spread across gums and teeth, and since it’s non-toxic, can actually be swallowed with saliva.


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