OUR MUSE — Ash Larden | Australian Fashion Photographer & Videographer

A true friend of the brand, Ash embodies the perfect blend of passion and balance, seamlessly navigating the fast-paced demands of her multifaceted business. Her work—and her approach to life—remind us of the beauty in staying grounded while pursuing what you love.


The first thing that happens in the morning is coffee. Black and hot. After that it's either a run or a walk. Into some breakfast as I get into some work. Or if it's a shoot day it might be breakfast in the car on the way to wherever I'm shooting.


What is your approach to self-care?

Balance. A run and a healthy breakfast and lunch, later- a cocktail and bowl of fries with my sister and my mum. But still at home in bed before 10pm ha!


What’s your healthiest habit?

I think my healthiest habit is not being too hard on myself. I'm kind of good at being able to switch off, and not torture myself when I want to take a day off running, or go and have yum cha and not worry about how many pork buns I eat. If I'm doing the work in other parts of the week, I'm ok to let go of things. 


What’s your biggest indulgence?
Probably watching re-runs whilst editing. Seinfeld, Gossip Girl, Sex and the City, House.... I love having something on that's classic and comforting whilst I get through the work. 


How do you wind down before bed?

I am a very good sleeper. Once I'm in bed I might get through a page or two of a book before I start falling asleep. Not much winding down required for me.  


What’s your go-to LOVEBYT flavour?
As a black coffee drinker, I love the Charcoal & Mint Toothpaste to keep my teeth looking fresh and pearly. 


Do you have an oral beauty hack?
I'm not sure if this is necessarily good or not but- Mouthwash before anything. I'm a serial mouthwasher- a few times a day. I love the feeling of being fresh!

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